P-34.1, r. 5.1 - Regulation respecting financial assistance to facilitate tutorship and Indigenous customary tutorship to a child

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11. Where the Indigenous customary tutorship certificate certifies that the child has 2 tutors, the renewal application for financial assistance may be submitted by only one of them, although the initial application was submitted jointly, and vice versa.
If the renewal application is submitted jointly, the affidavits provided for in the first paragraph of section 4 must be filed for each of the 2 tutors. Despite the foregoing, if at the time of the joint renewal application, both tutors have left Canada to establish their residence in another country, only one of them must file an affidavit certifying that the tutor is in a situation described in the first paragraph of section 20.
O.C. 1914-2023, s. 11.
In force: 2024-02-01
11. Where the Indigenous customary tutorship certificate certifies that the child has 2 tutors, the renewal application for financial assistance may be submitted by only one of them, although the initial application was submitted jointly, and vice versa.
If the renewal application is submitted jointly, the affidavits provided for in the first paragraph of section 4 must be filed for each of the 2 tutors. Despite the foregoing, if at the time of the joint renewal application, both tutors have left Canada to establish their residence in another country, only one of them must file an affidavit certifying that the tutor is in a situation described in the first paragraph of section 20.
O.C. 1914-2023, s. 11.